The curly diaries

 So after quite a few requests from friends and family, I thought a lot of my readers might find this useful or somewhat interesting.

In a bid to get blogging more regularly and update you with things you’ve actually asked about, this series will document my journey to embracing healthier hair. Perfection is in our minds, and as such I always see the curls that other people like Beyoncé etc has as perfect, and so never really thought of my own hair as curly.  I dismissed it just like everyone else had done, describing it as straight with “kinks” or wavy yet frizzy, or the best one growing up that a “wiser, older person” once called it- “bushy”.

Let’s be clear on one thing here, I don’t think my natural hair is ever going to be like Beyoncé’s so you’re not suddenly going to see a transformation of that kind, but if it happens I’ll embrace it. This journey if anything is about discovering what happens to surrender to the s. If you know me, you know that lies way deeper than the “s” curl my hair is transforming into! 😉

Back to why you’re here, so it’s been a month into my curly girl method journey and trying to do right by my hair.
Here’s what I’ve learnt:

1. It can seem so complicated but really it’s pretty simple.
I can’t tell you the amount of times people have said Over the last month, oh it’s so much work, to me- blow drying and straightening my hair and worrying about a giant ball of fluff post rain, was more time consuming and stressful than anything I’ve been through in this first month.
It’s also really not as complex as some make it out to be, I mean it’s basic- don’t put stuff or do stuff to/in your hair that will damage it over time- for my hair and all curly girl method following people- it’s conditioner only washes, no hair brushes and a bit of product to keep hair doing it’s thing. Some people follow it strictly, as time goes on, I’ll just do what works for me, so far that has been following it strictly.

2.  Learning new things about my own hair has been super fun

Honestly, since baby #2 arrived I feel like this hair care malarkey has made me feel a bit more like I’m doing something for me, without actually doing anything really. It makes me feel like I’m making time for self care, something I’ve found harder to do post children. I also love learning, so I’ve been a real nerd and enjoyed watching videos of people doing their hair- there’s actually something therapeutic- if you ask- I might do it myself!

3. My hair feels healthier

It’s early days still, but I’m already feeling the benefits, even if it at times I’m moaning about how flat it is at the top, or how I haven’t quite styled it right, but generally my hair feels healthier. It’s really liberating not using any heat, I haven’t even diffused since starting- it will be interesting to see how this progresses.

For now here’s a progress pic and I’ll keep tallying it as the months go on…


Let me know what else you’d like to know, I had promised a review of products and that’s to follow shortly.